Detroit police board commissioner member arrested at meeting | FOX 2 Detroit

Detroit police board commissioner member arrested at meeting

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Tempers flared at the Detroit Board of Police Commissioners meeting when he was ruled out of order.

Three protesters showed up in attendance wearing masks regarding the facial recognition software issue - but it was Commissioner Willie Burton (5th District) who ended up in handcuffs.

Burton was briefly jailed for disorderly conduct and bailed out by a fellow commissioner for $100. A court date will be set for later this month.

Burton brought up the hot topic issue of the potential install of facial recognition cameras in the city before being handcuffed by several Detroit police officers.

Burton was arrested at a meeting cited for being out of order after the commissioners and attendees were warned to remain civil.

"If you throw me out of office, you are disenfranchising 100,000 voters in the 5th District, do not touch me," Burton yelled as he was arrested.

Members of the crowd chanted  as Burton was taken by officers. He was put into a scout car and taken off, cited from the Durfee Innovation Society building where the meeting was held on the city’s west side.

For more on tonight's meeting watch Jessica Dupnack's full report tonight at 10 and 11 p.m.