Detroit Police Department does the Running Man Challenge

Hats off to Detroit's men and women in blue! They took on the Running Man Challenge and posted it for all of us to enjoy.

Haven't heard of the Running Man Challenge? It's the latest online dance video craze. (Remember all those Harlem Shake videos about three years ago?)

To do the Running Man Challenge is simple: crank up the song "My Boo" by Ghost Town DJ's and do a variation of the running man.

The Detroit Police Department really upped the ante. Their dance video was about four minutes long and included scenes of different department members in different parts in the city doing their own choreography.

The video is a big hit. At the time this story was written, the video was shared about eight hours ago -- and has already been shared nearly 37,000 times on Facebook.

The Running Man Challenge appears to be started by two teens, and was eventually taken to viral heights by two basketball players from the University of Maryland.

At the end of DPD's video, Police Chief James Craig threw out a twist and called out Cincinnati, New York, Philadelphia and Chicago to do the challenge -- the challenge of joining the Detroit Police Department.

You can apply in person Monday - Friday from 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. You must be at least 18 years old, and applicants must have a high school diploma or GED, a valid driver's license and no felony convictions. You must also be a U.S. citizen. You can also get recruiting and application information online here

We'll see if they accept.

Click here to watch Detroit Police Department's video if you cannot see it above