Detroit Public Schools students hospitalized after eating edibles
DPSCD students hospitalized after eating edible pot
It happened on Wednesday here at Midtown Crockett High School in Detroit. A group of students took some edibles—four had to go to the hospital, three were taken home by their parents.
DETROIT (FOX 2) - Detroit students receive a real-life lesson on the dangers of drugs. Several students at a DPSCD high school get sick after ingesting edible marijuana.
It happened on Wednesday at Midtown Crockett High School in Detroit. A group of students took some edibles—four had to go to the hospital, three were taken home by their parents.
"Here we go again. This isn’t new and this isn’t one high school, and we’re looking at this not just across the city of Detroit but across the country," said Grenae Dudley with the Youth Connection.
The problem is so rampant that at Detroit Public Schools, the district reported 1,735 marijuana-related incidents like using edibles and vape pens between 2021 and 2023.
"What we’re seeing is an increase in use among our adolescents and our middle schools, and unfortunately, we also get reports of our elementary schools having kids that may ingest edibles," said Dudley.
Whether it’s little kids misunderstanding and thinking they’re candy—or high schoolers who are sneaking them from their parents' stash—Dudley says it’s important to educate your kids and yourself on the issue.
"You made the decision to be using marijuana or an edible or whatever it is, but, one, if you have small children or adolescents in the home, we’re asking you to do is secure them: don’t leave them out for kids to get a hold of," Dudley said.
That’s a sentiment echoed by Detroit Public Schools—it sent a statement reading:
"We are asking parents to speak to their children about the dangers of taking edibles and not eating any candy that is not provided by an adult. In addition, we are asking adults who live with school-aged children to ensure that edibles are secure. Lastly, state and city governments must increase awareness campaigns about the dangers of marijuana consumption by children."
The superintendent’s office also said the student who brought the edibles to school would not be returning.