Detroit schools dismiss students early due to heat; health tips to stay safe outdoors
FOX 2 - On days like Tuesday with temperatures hitting 90, you have to be careful outdoors - especially for those working outside on hot days like these, 5 p.m. can’t come fast enough.
The Detroit Public Schools Community District dismissed students early because of the weather, and some of its buildings don’t have sufficient air conditioning.
"We just had a little field day outside because it was so hot in the building," said student Leonard Logan, High School student. "We had ice cream, a game room, stuff like that. We chilled. Everybody was having fun."
FOX 2: "Can you give us some insight on why and what it feels like students that are in a classroom. Why it is such a serious issue?"
"It’s a huge issue. it’s very similar to being in a car, before you’re fully aware of it," said Dr. James Tisius, Beaumont Hospital, Wayne.
Tisius says it may be 90 degrees outside, but it may feel closer to 110 degrees inside without air conditioning. The doctor says he’s already seen patients who are victims of the hot weather.
"We have seen a couple of them," he said. "They come in very dehydrated, confused, very weak, and tired."
In these conditions, heatstroke can develop in 10 to 15 minutes - and dehydration can happen too. Here’s what to do if someone gets dehydrated.
"Obviously, provide them with shade, use cold cloths to apply to their forehead and to their neck. That’ll help cool them off, give them sips of water but try not to give them too much at one time."
If you’re outside, the best things to do are wear comfortable clothing and a hat or umbrella if you’re in direct sunlight.
Of course, you also want to be hydrated. In the story, we mentioned heat stroke.
If you see someone who is confused of their surroundings, slow to respond to normal conversation, thirsty, lightheaded or dizzy — those are the warning signs of heatstroke.