Detroit unveils first permit parking spots in city
New parking enforcement coming to Detroit
Detroit will soon offer permitted parking to residents near apartment complexes that can quickly become full by the downtown crowd looking to park.
DETROIT (FOX 2) - Detroit finally got a peak at what its next round of parking enforcement will look like with a plan from the city that intends to make it easier for its residents to find a space for their car.
The Director of Municipal Parking says a virtual permit will be available for purchase. It'll link to one's license plate that enables people to park in designated spots around the city.
"If you have a permit your license plate will be in the system and you’ll be able to park without paying any additional fees," said Keith Hutchings. "If you’re not, you won’t be able to park."
Detroit's first parking permit zone will be in Cass Park and include apartments at Second Avenue and Temple. The zones will be metered while residents with permits will be able to park at all times.
There will also be passes for visitors or caregivers that can be purchased.

The enforcement means that non-residents won't have their pick of parking spots during certain hours. Enforcement starts mid-to-late August.
"Obviously, it’s a long time coming. It’s going to drastically improve the quality of life when you have these major events and non-residential parking activities making it very difficult for you to park in the place where you live," said Hutchings.
The plan was first unveiled earlier in 2023. Neighbors in Brush Park expressed an interest getting more space to park near their apartments and condos in the neighborhood. Thanks to a combination of Wayne State students and Little Caesars Arena visitors making more parking difficult, they could be next to get an upgrade to parking enforcement.
The Detroit City Council will still need to approve the enforcement.
It'll cost a one time fee as well as a $60-annual fee. There will also be discounts for seniors and people on a fixed income.