Distracted driving simulator at Monroe County Fair shows the dangers of texting behind the wheel

Michigan's new distracted driving law has been in place for about a month now bans the use of any electronic device with your hands while behind the wheel.  Even if you think you're good at texting and driving, we promise you, you're not.

A simulator at the Monroe County Fair hopes to save lives by reminding people of the dangers of both drunk driving and distracted driving.

A VR headset is worn by the participant who gets behind the wheel of the simulator to show the real-life risk.

"Too often we see people think I can drink and I can text and pay attention to what I'm doing on the road," said Sheriff Troy Goodnough. "This is a true example that you cannot."

Jalen, with the Arrive Arrive Tour, said the simulator uses state-of-the-art technology.

"We have a Virtual Reality headset that the driver puts on for the simulation," he said. "We hope when people are leaving and after they've completed the simulation that they understand the dangers of driving distracted or drunk can do. And how quickly everything can go (wrong)."

There are also grandstand events like monster trucks and live music, a merchant building and a bingo barn. See the list HERE.

The Monroe County Fair runs until August 5th, at the corner of South Custer and Raisinville Roads.

Gate admissions: Adults $7., Children 6 through 12: $4  and ages 5 & under with parents, free.

For more information go here.