DNR map shows largest-ever fish catches in Michigan

Michigan fishermen have a new toy to play with - as well as a new way of finding the best places to cast their line.

The Michigan Department of Natural Resources has released an interactive map of each location a record-size fish was caught. Trophy icons around the map indicate each place the largest fish of each species native to Michigan was caught.

It also comes with info where other anglers have found success for anyone looking for some help when they go fishing this year.

The Master Angler Program map is intended to be used by both biologists and recreational wildlife enthusiasts. 

"Not only is the new Master Angler Program map helpful to anglers, but it also benefits our biologists by providing information submitted by anglers that will help us better understand our fisheries and help inform management decisions," said Seth Herbst, the DNR's Aquatic Species & Regulatory Affairs Unit manager.

FOX 2 has embedded the map in the story below. It may be tough to use on mobile, so anyone interested can try the link here.

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Anyone on the map can select the fish icon on the side to specify which species the user is interested. From there, fishermen catches reported from around the state show up. The more icons should indicate how likely someone might find that species.

Also included is the weight and length of the fish, as well as when it was caught, where it was caught, and what method and lure was used.

Michigan Department of Natural ResourcesWild NatureInstastories