Dozens of cheeses and infinite combinations: how to make the perfect cheese plater
You don't know cheese platters until you've seen Tina Smith put together a cheese platter.
Build a better cheese tray with Dairy Industry’s Tina Miller
Turns out, there are so many ways to make a cheese platter with an almost infinite number of combinations. While there aren't rules, there are guidelines to perfect your cheese platter. Here to show you how is Tina Miller of the United Dairy Industry of Michigan
If you want to perfect the cheese platter, follow Smith's own cheese pairing board.

Meat pairing tips:
Methods vary by texture pairing or regional pairings. Pair softer meats like prosciutto and capicola with firmer bold cheeses and pair firmer meats such as sausage and ham with softer, creamier cheeses. Alternately, choose to pair meat and cheeses based on regions Italian, French, Spanish, Danish, etc.