Driver crashes into road commission truck on M-5 injuring 2 workers

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Two road commission workers were injured Tuesday after a motorist crashed into a truck in Oakland County.

According to the Road Commission for Oakland County, a crew was preparing to work on M-5 near the Drake Road overpass when a driver struck a RCOC truck.

The RCOC truck flipped upon impact. No one was killed, but two road workers were sent to the hospitals with injuries.

"These guys are in dangerous situations every day, “said Crag Bryson, Oakland County Road Commissioner. "All it takes is for a driver to take a few seconds and look away for even a second, and a situation like this, can happen."

At about 8:15 a.m., Wednesday morning the truck was in traffic on M-5, near the Drake overpass, apparently slowing down to start tree and brush cutting, when a car rear-ended it. 

Both workers were sent to the hospital.

"One is in relatively serious condition, one has less serious injuries," Bryson said. "Both are at the hospital."

The commission posted on Facebook asking drivers to "please slow down and eyes on the road."

As one poster noted, it’s frightening and happens too frequently.

"There's a lot of talk about this one because it involves a construction vehicle, but I know we'll have 10-15 rear end crashes on the freeway just during that time period," said Lt. Mike Shaw, Michigan State Police.

Every day, going too fast, following too closely, gets drivers into rear end accidents.

Farmington Hills police are working this accident to find out exactly what happened, but Michigan State Police say preventing scenes like this is a no brainer.

On Wednesday afternoon, the road commission said both men are doing better - one is being kept overnight at the hospital, the other is being sent home.
If you rear end someone in Michigan, you're at fault. Farmington Hills police Sgt. Muller says he's not sure if the driver who rear ended the truck will be charged.