DTE Energy Music Theatre no longer. Clarkston venue returns to Pine Knob name

The DTE Energy Music Theatre in Clarkson is kicking off its 50th year of concerts with some big news - it's no longer going to be called the DTE Energy Music Theatre.

Instead, the popular Metro Detroit concert venue is reverting to its old name: Pine Knob Music Theatre. 

After spending 20 years with the corporate moniker as its primary sponsor, the iconic venue says its returning to its roots as a means to off "a vintage feel and art that captures the beloved, scenic landscape symbolic of Michigan's premier summer concert destination."

A release from 313 Presents said the venue's rebranding will also include a new logo. It features a guitar with the sun glowing over a hill. 

It's meant to pay "homage to the venue's rich 50-year history with a fresh new touch."

Additionally, Trinity Health and United Wholesale Mortgage are both the venue's new corporate sponsors. 

"We are beyond thrilled to welcome United Wholesale Mortgage and Trinity Health as Proud Partners of Pine Knob Music Theatre," said 313 Presents President Howard Handler. "These two premier Michigan-based organizations share our passion for providing unparalleled service and understood the importance the Pine Knob brand resonates in our community and they embraced the opportunity to help bring it back to life in a new and exciting way. This is only the beginning as we look to our 50th anniversary and beyond to engage and bring the best in live entertainment and activation to our guests."