Eastern Market events carry on after shooting, but with more security on-site

Eastern Market officials and those holding events there are trying to return to normal. On Sunday two men were shot and killed during a tailgating event for the Lions game outside Shed 6.  

On Thursday Eastern Market After Dark was held as well as a second event - with increased security. The events were packed throughout the night.

Many in attendance said that the tragic shooting didn't stop them from coming and having a good time.

"You see all of these people out here?" said Ishmail Terry. "Ain’t nobody feeling like you gotta look over your back, over your shoulder."

Hundreds of people, were shopping, dining, and hanging out there Thursday night.

"It seems like it was very localized. and very specific to the person that they were fighting with," said Jennifer Vrabel. "I didn’t think twice about not coming here today just because of that."

In response, Katy Trudeau, the president of Eastern Market, says they have canceled the next tailgate event on September 30.

"We have always contracted with private security," she said. "In the last week, we’ve actually increased the amount of private security."

She says they've also had "very close talks" over the last few days with Detroit police.

So far, many have been supportive.

"This was an isolated incident. this is a safe, welcoming place," she said. "Businesses feel that way, residents, vendors. we want to keep it that way."

Safety and security is always a priority she says. Eastern Market just announced a new $15.5 million fundraising campaign, which some of the money will go to exactly that.

"I would say place-making, beautification, infrastructure improvements that we would direct some of those dollars towards, they all go towards making this a secure, family-friendly place," Trudeau said.

Fans say its the security and its overall friendliness that makes Eastern Market so special.

"Most of the time people want to do this. they don’t even want to be worried about who going to shoot a gun, who going to get robbed and all that crazy stuff," Terry said. "They just want to have fun."

As far as the shooting, the Wayne County prosecutor decided not to press charges against the shooter, calling it a case of self-defense.