Eastern Market shooting: Second victim dies from injuries | FOX 2 Detroit

Eastern Market shooting: Second victim dies from injuries

The Detroit Police Department said a second person who was shot at Eastern Market after the Detroit Lions game has died from his injuries.

The shooting erupted at Eastern Market around 4:30 p.m., just moments after Ford Field emptied out following the Lions' loss. Two people were shot and the suspect was arrested at the scene.

Detroit Police Chief James White said two men were fighting when one man pulled a gun and fired at least two shots. The first victim was pronounced dead last night and the second man died on Monday. 

White said that the officers were in the area working on traffic and other Detroit Lions-related activities when the fight broke out. He said they responded quickly and took the shooter into custody.

Police said they recovered two weapons from the scene.

According to White, the two men had been arguing and were separated but they encountered each other again – and the suspect pulled the gun.

"If you're gonna fight, have a fight. Live to fight another day. Everyone has to have a gun. It makes them feel tough," White said. "You don't need a gun at a tailgate. You don't need a gun at somebody's social gatherings. Leave it at home." 

The victims and the suspect have not been released.

The victims were both Detroit residents – but no other details were released.

"We were here and were able to hear the gunshots and we're looking into exactly if they knew each other," White said. "People got into something that happened here. Drinking, tailgating, guns – they don't mix."

White said it comes down to conflict resolution and putting guns away. 

"I grew up – you had a fight. You. have a problem, you have a fight, you live past the fight and you move on with your life," White said. "We are a gun-obsessed society - gun-obsessed. And we bring em out for every minor conflict,"

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