Ex-'King of Craigslist' back in jail facing 6 new felonies | FOX 2 Detroit

Ex-'King of Craigslist' back in jail facing 6 new felonies

The self-proclaimed "King of Craigslist" is once again behind bars. Denny DiCapo specialized in placing ads that lured investors. He's been in the Hall of Shame before, but now Rob Wolchek has the latest.

DiCapo stayed out of trouble for a few years, but now Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel is charging him with several felonies including racketeering.

There's a new mugshot for a Hall of Shamer who appears to be pulling the same old scams. DiCapo is locked up in the Oakland County Jail facing six new felony charges one of which carries a 20-year prison sentence.
Wolchek: "Hi Denny, Rob Wolchek from FOX 2, can I talk to you for a minute?"

DiCapo:"Yeah, you know me?"
Rob would come to know Denny because he ended up doing a bunch of stories about him.

In the summer of 2014, Denny DiCapo was the alleged middleman in a scheme to lure business people to a guy who was eventually sentenced to federal prison for stealing millions of dollars.

DiCapo was never charged in that case but victims told Wolchek that Denny used Craigslist ads to lure them into bad business deals.

Denny kept placing Craigslist ads - ads for businesses, ads for cars. FOX 2 went undercover and got video of Denny selling a Jeep that he said was his, but he couldn't even figure out how to open the hood.

More coverage: Cops catch ‘King of Craigslist’

Soon DiCapo was arrested for fraud involving vehicles. Dubbed the King of Craigslist, Denny didn't like Wolchek covering his court proceedings.

Sometimes he hid from our cameras - sometimes he blew us kisses.

Denny was convicted of two felonies in 2015 and then last year, Rob began getting emails telling him the 'King of Craiglist' was back.

AG Dana Nessel must have been getting contacts about DiCapo as well, because last week her office charged Denny with five counts of larceny by conversion and one count of conducting a criminal enterprise - a 20-year felony.

DiCapo is accused of tricking victims to pay him deposits to buy businesses and then keeping the money when the deals fell through.

Denny DiCapo is currently being held at the Oakland County Jail. His bond is $100,000.

Denny DiCapo.

Denny DiCapo. 


Hall of ShameCrime and Public Safety