Expert reveals new phishing scams being used during coronavirus crisis

So you get an email from the IRS saying they are offering coronavirus tax relief. 

Don't believe it.  According to Laura Blankenship of the Better Business Bureau, this isn't from the IRS - it's from a scam artist.

"If you Google the addresses that are in the email they are linked to businesses that have complaints of scams," she said.

To see where that link is really from you can hover your mouse arrow above the link and at the bottom of your screen you'll see the real address that link is going to - and it's sure not the IRS - it's to a site about wrinkle cream. 

"It's probably not going to sell you wrinkle cream," Blankenship said. "But if you click on it, it is probably not going to be a dead giveaway that you've just downloaded malware to your computer."

While you're gazing at what might look like a real website and trying to figure out what is going on, the bad guys could be putting wrinkle into your computer files.   

This is just one of the phishing scams that are circulating just this week preying on people as we worry about the coronavirus. 

How bad is it out there? While Rob Wolchek is on a Zoom call with Blankenship, this happened:

Wolchek: "I'm going to interrupt you Laura. Look at what's coming in on my phone. Can you see this? It says 'Spam Risk.'"

Which is why the Better Business Bureau is warning everyone to be especially careful in the next few weeks while all of us are distracted by the pandemic.  

So what does Blankenship expect next down the scam pipeline?    

"I definitely foresee there being more scams with regards to online purchases of those masks," she said.

So be safe at home. And safe on your computers and cellphones. Don't answer that call - and don't click on those links.