Fake substitute teacher arrested at Waterford Twp school

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Like many parents, Shannon Proulx was panicked when she read an email from the Waterford school district that stated a 24-year-old woman from the Flint area was arrested for impersonating a substitute teacher in a fifth grade classroom.

FOX 2: "What did you think when you heard this?"

"I was terrified," Proulx said. "Scared as a parent put a lot of child at risk."

Shannon's son was in that class, so was Megan Przybylowicz.

"A little bit scared," she said.

According to police and the email that went out to parents, the woman entered Riverside Elementary School. When she was asked to show identification, she showed a driver's license that wasn't hers.

It actually belonged to her mother who was the assigned substitute. She was able to begin class, take attendance and send the students to physical education before the principal finally realized she didn't have her badge.

"She didn't look like a sub, just sitting there not even doing anything," said Megan.

"It's scary you don't know who they are bringing in," said Robin Przybylowicz, Megan's mother.

"My first thought if there was certain identification required," said Proulx said. "Why was she able to show her driver's license. I think she should have been turned away immediately."

The principal then called Waterford Township police. Officers questioned the woman and she admitted she posed as her mother for the money.

The 44-year-old woman - a legitimate guest teacher hired through Edustaff, showed up at the school telling police her daughter filled in for her because she had an appointment.

But that didn't make a difference to police who arrested the women - or parents who are now questioning the school's security measures.

"I would like to see this to the end," Proulx said. "And different protection methods taken within the schools."

Edustaff, the company that provides substitute staffing, issued this statement which in part reads:

"Edustaff does not take these actions lightly and will work closely with the Waterford school district and the authorities on this investigation. In the meantime, this substitute employee's employment has been terminated." 

Both mom and daughter were hauled away with handcuffs. 

They were arrested for fraud and are expected to be formally charged on Tuesday. In the meantime they are being held at the Oakland County Jail.