Farmington Hills youth hockey doctor to stand trial for 22 counts of sexual abuse

After months of investigation, youth hockey doctor Zvi Levran is going to stand trial on 22 counts of Criminal Sexual Conduct.

"This isn’t right. I think the People have met their burden and will be bound over on all counts," said Judge James Brady.

Police say Levran - a urologist - has given medical assistance to youth hockey leagues in Michigan and Minnesota for 20 years. Prosecutors say there is a history of young men being sexually abused.

"The defendant built up those relationships, utilized that trust and put his patients in positions where he would sexually assault them, said Rob VanWert, assistant prosecutor.

Police say a 19-year-old man said he was sexually assaulted during a medical exam at the doctor’s house last October. Prosecutors say there are other victims too.

"The defendant argued that these charges should not be bound over because, 'The doctor’s the one who makes the choice' regarding the course of treatment," VanWert said. "However, that argument overlooks one very important aspect - that the recommended course of treatment must be ethical and must be necessary when it’s recommended."

Dr. Levran’s attorney disputed the claims made by several alleged victims and argued over what counts as consent.

"Consent trumps. It is unequivocal," said Jonathan Jones, defense attorney. "You can't not consent to an act because the other party is a doctor. There is no case law that says that."

Some of the allegations involve yoga sessions with the doctor.

"In the course of yoga," said Judge Brady. "You want me to assume that if the defendant placed his hands on his genitals for four or five seconds, that it wasn’t sexual? Why should I assume that?"

"Because he’s stretching him out doing a groin exercise," Jones said. "It’s palpably obvious what’s going on."

"Why couldn’t he put his hands on both thighs," said Judge Brady.

"Judge I understand the question," Jones said. "But that’s not the fulcrum. That’s not what the case law of the court rule sets."

There are additional charges remain pending against Levran in the nearby 48th District Court.

The Oakland County Prosecutor's Office is concerned that there may be other victims out there. If so, call Farmington Hills police at  (248) 871-2600.