Farms to Families Food Box giveaway to those in need held every Friday in Southfield | FOX 2 Detroit

Farms to Families Food Box giveaway to those in need held every Friday in Southfield

The COVID 19 crisis leaving this substitute teacher without a job and without a source of income 

"You know that unemployment thing I've been waiting for 12 weeks," said Monique Hunter.

 FOX 2: "Nothing?"

"Yep, nothing," Hunter said.

But her family still needs food 

"I have five grandchildren that I help take care of," she said. "And I have an elderly mother and it's expensive to feed them." 

But even when times are hard, there's always hope.

On Friday nearly 2,500 food boxes were provided to anyone who drove up to the Southfield High School for the Arts and Technology. 

"We don't ask for an ID, we don't ask if you have a child that attends our school," said Jennifer Green, Supt. of Southfield Public Schools. "We are truly here to serve.

"Our team will put in as many cases as you state you need. If you have a large family and need more than one case, we will accommodate that as well. No judgement."

Hunter said it also means she can now pay her bills. 

"It's about $50 of milk, fruits and vegetables," she said. "So that is $50 that I can put on the water bill."

The Farms to Families food box giveaway is made possible by the United States Department of Agriculture.

One look inside and you see fresh foods like fruits and vegetables or items families on tight budgets often bypass so they can buy the necessities. 

“That's one reason we were drawn to this partnership because we recognize value of fresh food,” Green said.

As people pull up to get their vehicles filled up with food boxes, they also receive hot dogs and cold water 

“We want to do whatever we can to help lift everyone's spirits during challenging time,” Green said. 

Today won’t be the last time there will be food at this sight. 

“We were just awarded a second grant which will carry us through the entire summer,” Green said. “Every Friday we will be here outside Arts and Technology at 9 a.m.”