Federal prosecutor charged with beating elderly mom | FOX 2 Detroit

Federal prosecutor charged with beating elderly mom

Assistant U.S. Attorney Michael Bullotta gained fame as a federal prosecutor helping to put former mayor Kwame Kilpatrick behind bars. Now he's charged with a harsh crime himself, beating his own mother.

Several attorneys are coming to Bullotta's defense pro-bono, while Bullotta denies ever causing his mother harm.

In a phone interview with Fox 2, criminal defense attorney Michael Rataj said, "I'm shocked by the allegations. I mean, I've known Bullotta for many many years.

"He's an attorney with honesty and integrity and I just don't believe the allegations. I think something else is going on here."

According to the Oakland County Sheriff's Office, several family members are giving  conflicting reports on what happened the day of the alleged assault at Bullotta's Oakland Township home April 9th. The 78-year-old woman, whom Bullotta claims has undiagnosed dementia, refused to provide detectives a written statement, or even press charges.

It's Bullotta's minor son, who apparently called his aunt during the assault. He reported his dad saying he had pushed the woman to the ground, slapping her on both sides of the face, stemming from an argument about their dogs.

Bullotta, whose first name is listed as Ronald in the police report, tells a very different story, saying he had been arguing with his mother because she didn't like that he had an African-American girlfriend, at which point he says his mom pretended to fall and that he helped her stand up.

The acting US attorney Daniel Lemisch commented saying,

"We have faith that the system will produce a just outcome.  In the meantime, we have the utmost confidence in Assistant U.S. Attorney Michael Bullotta's ability to carry out the important work of the office."

Bullotta is charged with domestic violence, a misdemeanor which could land him 93 days in jail. A jury trial is scheduled for July.

Bullotta's  attorney says Bullotta is confident he will be exonerated, and hopes for his family to be repaired.