Fire displaces residents at Monroe apartment building | FOX 2 Detroit

Fire displaces residents at Monroe apartment building

Photo Monroe Public Safety Department

A fire was reported on Sunday morning around 4am at 49 W. Monroe Street in the City of Monroe.  All apartment residents were evacuated and there were no injuries to residents reported. The Red Cross was called to assist the displaced residents.

The fire was mostly on the top floor and was being worked on by firefighters from the City of Monroe and Monroe Township. Once fire conditions worsened, all fire crews that were working inside were pulled out.

Fire crews from Frenchtown Township and LaSalle Township arrived to help battle the fire from the outside. One firefighter was injured and is in the hospital in stable condition.

There is significant fire damage to the upper floors and water damage throughout the entire building.

No cause has been determined at this time. The City of Monroe Marshal, Chad Hudson, along with the City Police will investigate for a cause. Check back with Fox 2 for further updates.

Monroe County