Flint mom accused of putting two babies in suitcase, leaving it on the curb

A Flint woman was arrested Wednesday afternoon for allegedly putting two infant girls in a suitcase and leaving them on the side of the road like garbage.

WNEM-TV in Flint reports police were called to the home on Pierson Road by Child Protective Services. According to CPS, the woman put items at the curb as if it were garbage and then ran off on foot before they arrived.

Among the items put at the curb was a suitcase. It was not known that the babies were in the suitcase at the time police were called.

When police arrived, they tracked the woman down and returned to the home to check on the welfare of the kids inside. Once there, they discovered two of her children were missing.

Officers searched the area and found the girls inside the suitcase at the curb, police said.

The children were taken to a Flint hospital and are listed in condition.

The woman has since been identified as Katrina Childress, 26. She was arrested and remains in custody.