Formerly homeless man and dog get new apartment

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For first time Julian Terrance is not only in an apartment but he gets to be with his dog.

We've been following Julian since the day after a rescue organization realized he was sleeping outside with his dog, to when Julian got a job and now he's safe and warm in an apartment with his dog Max.

"I can't wait; I got to make sure we're together." Terrance said.

Julian Terrance fulfilled that promise to his best friend; to get a place so he and dog max can be together.

"I just want to say thank you to everyone who helped us, me and Max.  No one cares for us for real," he said.

Jennesse and Shawn. Of 313 K9 and Kitty Rescue have shown they care and has been there every step of the way.

"We had to meet with the landlord so Julian can get his keys, and I love his apartment, this is perfect for them," Jennessee said.

Julian and Max were in a not-so-perfect situation when Jennessee saw Julian walking Max without a leash.

Turned out Julian and Max were homeless sleeping out in the January's bitter cold being battered by mother nature.

They told Julians story on Facebook and got enough donations so Max got everything he needed from the vet, pet insurance through April, furniture, and household goods.

Julian got two months’ rent on a 1 bedroom apartment, he has a new job and the stuff man and beast need to be one happy family.

"It's not just animals there's a human aspect to all of this that people don't think about. We love people too and just to see him get a new start at life and not be on the street, I get very excited about that," Jennessee says.

313-K9 and Kitty Rescue will be watching out for the two and Julian is even thinking about going back to school, we wish them the best!