Fortune names Gov. Rick Snyder one of world's 'most disappointing leaders'

Governor Rick Snyder has been called upon to resign and some have started a petition to have him removed from office. All of this, of course, comes in the wake of the Flint Water Crisis. Now, Fortune says he's one of the most disappointing leaders in the world.

Fortune named the "World's 19 most disappointing leaders" and the Michigan Governor was the very first person mentioned in their list. 

Not only did Snyder land on the last, Fortune gave him the "Don't Blame Me, I'm Just the Governor Award". Fortune cited his administration's cost-saving efforts of switching Flint off of Detroit's clean water to the Flint River and then not switching the city back before the river caused damage to the pipes.

Snyder has maintained that all levels of government are to blame, hence the award Fortune gave him.

The governor lands on the list with Volkswagen CEO Martin Winterkorn for that company's not-so-clean diesel car scandal. Also on the list was 'pharma-bro' Martin Shkreli who figured out a plan to buy cheap drugs and mark them up so high, people couldn't afford them. Then he got indicted.

Readers also voted for the most disappointing as well. As of 4:30, he had almost 800 votes. Shkreli was second with just shy of 150.

Also on the list was Sepp Blatter, Chris Christie, Rahm Emanuel, and the co-CEOs of Chipotle.