Four children hurt when Detroit apartment firebombed

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The Detroit Fire Department said four children were hurt Friday morning when someone firebombed an apartment on the ctiy's west side.

According to the DFD, an apartment on Schaefer just south of Fullerton Ave. caught fire Friday around 10:40 a.m. and officials said the fire moved quick. Investigators say they believe the home was firebombed. However, some think the apartment was the wrong target.

"The guy that they were looking for must have done something awful wrong for them to throw a firebomb trying to get to him, but they threw it in the wrong apartment," said Sandra Haynes.

A 16-year-old was hospitalized with burns to 70 body of her body and smoke inhilation. Three other children were also taken to the hospital for smoke inhilation and minor burns.

When it was on fire, they ran out the back," said Marquisha, a witness. "All they could do is run out the door. Whoever did this, they need to catch them."

Two adults were transported as well, also with smoke inhilation and minor burns.

Arson investigators are now workong on the case.