Funeral for fallen Wayne County corporal killed by inmate held today | FOX 2 Detroit

Funeral for fallen Wayne County corporal killed by inmate held today

A service for the Wayne County Sheriff's deputy who died after an inmate attacked him in a Detroit jail last week was held Friday at the Third New Baptist Church.

Cpl. Bryant Searcy, 50, left behind a lot of friends and coworkers who all shared love for him. Survived by his wife and daughter, his loss isn't one that many will forget.

"My dad was a caring and loving kind and compassionate father. He always looked out for me and my mom," said his daughter Chasadie. "I feel like he played that role as a father figure to multiple people in our community and in his life."

She, along with several other people, spoke at his service.

A man by the name of Deandre Williams, 28, is accused of killing Searcy while the corporal was locking down the jail last week. A violent struggle ensued that left Searcy unconscious before he eventually succumbed to his injuries after being hospitalized.

RELATED: "Big loss to this agency," Wayne County Sheriff mourns loss of corporal killed in jail attack

Williams, who was in jail on charges of carjacking, now faces life in prison.

This week, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer lowered flags in honor of Searcy on all public buildings and grounds across the state. 

“Our state is devastated after hearing about the loss of Corporal Bryant Searcy,” Whitmer said. “He was a professional who served our state with honor and dignity. My heart goes out to his family and the entire law enforcement community as they deal with his tragic loss.” 

RELATED: Inmate charged with murder of Wayne County Sheriff deputy

"The thing that I heard consistently from the people I talked to, was that he was a constant professional. Very much a person who recognized that he was in charge of the care of inmates, and even though they had done something wrong he was very professional in his interactions with them," said Wayne County Sheriff Benny Napoleon.

The Collin Rose Memorial Foundation has raised more than $20,000 for the family.