Gov. Snyder visits; Trump's anti-Muslim stance

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Part 1: Gov. Snyder visits

Gov. Rick Snyder stops in and talks about all things state wise.

On the panel:

Gov. Rick Snyder.

Charlie Langton, FOX 2 legal analyst, reporter and anchor.

Charlie LeDuff, Pulitzer Prize winning reporter and chief correspondent for FOX's The Americans.

Part 2: Trump's anti-Muslim stance

It's the statement from Donald Trump receiving near-universal condemnation from around the world.

But instead of bowing out of the race, Trump is doing better than ever.

On the panel:

Attorney Fatina Abdrabboh, director of the American Anti-Discrimination Committee’s Regional Office.

Jimmy "JJ" Johnson, conservative commentator.

Barak Barfi, research fellow with the New America Foundation.

Part 3: On the Road

Charlie Langton asks metro Detroiters about political correctness and recognizing radical Islamic terror threats domestically.