Grosse Ile teens sentenced to probation in pregame guinea pig killing ritual

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Two teenagers were sentenced to probation Tuesday in the killing of a guinea pig before a Detroit-area high school lacrosse game.

Michael Roth, 18,  was sentenced to 3 years probation and Tanner Coolsaet, 17, was sentenced to 2 years probation.

The two teens appeared in court before Third Circuit Judge David Grone. They were each charged with one count of Animals -Killing/Torturing, and one count of Conspiracy to Commit Killing/Torturing of Animals.

Authorities say that Roth and Coolsaet participated in a type of pre-game ritual before a Grosse Ile High School varsity lacrosse match.


They believe Coolsaet slit the animal's throat with a knife and Roth struck it with a small bat. The guinea pig died shortly after.

Sources told FOX 2 this was meant to be a "bonding" exercise before a game against Dexter Deadnoughts on April 30.

They also said players drew on themselves with the guinea pig's blood.

"Witnesses observed Roth carrying guinea pig down to beachfront, once at the beachfront, Coolsaet grabbed the pig, placed blade of knife to pig's neck and backed off saying he couldn't do it after the pig started squealing," said Det. Eric Vazquez of the Grosse Ile Police Department.

Witnesses also said Coolsaet threw the animal's body in a river and covered the blood on the picnic table with mulch.