Gun reform advocates relieved to see new bills moving through state legislature, others are worried

There’s broad support for gun reform in Michigan, as a poll commissioned by the Michigan Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics shows voters, regardless of political affiliation, solidly support red flag laws which theoretically with due process, allow for someone’s guns to be removed if they’re a danger to themselves or others.

We’re hearing from people who’ve been touched by gun violence about what’s on the table.

The loss of life at MSU, was devastating and so painful for the families and friends of the victims. And of course the people on campus feared for their lives before the gunman was found dead.

"This is madness," said Robyn O’Keefe, Birmingham schools special education professional. "My youngest is a senior at Michigan State University and endured a terrifying evening of sheltering in place, while an active shooter killed and injured her classmates."

Advocates of gun safety reform and Democrats in Lansing galvanized by not 1, but two recent mass shootings at schools in Michigan. The memory of terror and chaos still fresh for Oxford high parents teachers and students

"A safe storage law could have either prevented the shooting at my school or given us a way to hold the parents of the shooter accountable," said Dylan Morris, Oxford shooting survivor, No Future Without Today.

On Thursday, a package of bills passed out of the Michigan Senate focusing on safe storage, universal background check and red flag protections.

"I just want to underline how unfair it is that people who had your experience, have to relive your trauma to get our leaders to listen and make change," said Ryan Bates of End Gun Violence Michigan.

While everyone is tremendously saddened by what happened at MSU and Oxford, but not everyone is convinced the solutions currently being proposed in Michigan will help.

"I’m a victim of gun violence years ago," said  Kimberly Sutton-Bledsoe, gun rights advocate. "I do not carry a gun. I appreciate the Second Amendment that gives me the right to do so. I do not want my Second Amendment rights infringed upon, this is what I'm afraid of. The more rights you take away, you become victimized - by your lack of rights."

Democrats control the State Senate, State House and the governor’s office. The legislation is expected to be passed out of the other chamber… and be signed into law by Governor Whitmer.