H3 opens center for mind, body and soul in heart of Detroit
DETROIT (FOX 2) - "A lot of open minded people are now moving down here that are willing to treat their body better than generations before," said Rebecca Palen.
Palen, a clinical therapist, saw the need - and now the demand. Along with psychiatrist Dr. Rob Lagrou they have created a first of its kind one-stop shop for mind, body and soul in the heart of Detroit.
New wellness center opens downtown servicing mind body and soul
It's called Hope, Health and Healing located on Broadway in Detroit
"The idea was to combine traditional approaches with complementary and alternative approaches," said Lagrou.
It's called H3 - Hope, Health and Healing. It's located on Broadway in Detroit. When you enter the door - depending on your needs - a health coach or therapist will come up with a care plan.
Your journey may include IV therapy, vitamin-infused fluid injected intravenously to take care of a variety of needs from digestive issues and cure jet lag, to immunity and hydration.
"Ideally when you come here, you want to treat your whole mind, body and spirit," said Palen. "So you are coming for integrative mental health which is what our background is, but we now offer yoga, IV therapy from Motor City IV, acupuncture, and looking at other therapies so they are not just treating their brain but their mind and body."
If yoga or acupuncture isn't enough to relax your mind and body, H3 offers therapy for emotional wellness and TMS - transcranial magnetic stimulation. This FDA-approved machine is considered cutting edge technology designed to treat depression.

You lay back in the chair and once it is attached, you will begin to hear a tapping sound.
"We create two electric fields that create a smaller magnetic field," said Lagrou. "We use pulsations to essentially increase or decrease functioning of your brain.
"You can be on or off medications. For some people this is an alternative to medication for other people an additional treatment. Ultimately this machine is to put depression into remission."
With all of these traditional and alternative therapies -- they hope to create a safe space where someone can walk in on their lunch break or spend the day to improve their well-being as a whole.
"I am just really excited we are helping people understand what integrated mental health means," said Palen. "Because people stigmatize mental health and putting wellness piece will hopefully open doors for people to feel more comfortable to take care of themselves."
For more information go to H3WELL.com