Hands off my Porn campaign targets swing states as adult entertainers get political

We are all hoping for that post-election clarity – but we have another few weeks of political ads, and now – they are the foreplay, to your favorite adult movies.

A new political campaign is afoot in your pornography.

"It was a little startling at first, but it also made a lot of sense as a marketer. You want to go where the eyeballs are," said Adrianne Pickett, The Guerrilla Politic.

And they are on porn sites. Pornhub is the fourth most-visited site in the US, making up 12 percent of the internet. It is usually viewed by men, young men and that’s a demographic up for political grabs.

"If you're trying to get these young men's eyeballs on your message, this is probably one of the best places to do it," said Pickett.

Adult film actors launched the campaign – called "Hands off my Porn."

It goes after "Project 2025" – a conservative think tank's blueprint for a Republican administration, not endorsed by former President Donald Trump.

The "Hands off my Porn" campaign is targeting X-rated traffic in the swing states – and of course, Michigan is a prime battleground.

On page 5 – it talks about outlawing porn, the crux of this liberal leaning campaign.

This political ad season has been a marathon and we are all spent. but, Lori Goldman with Fems for Dems says, porn may get some people to be more receptive.

"I think you're in a good mood and you're enjoying something you participate in, or have experience with," Goldman said. "And I think that's when you're most open to hearing a message."

It is a suggestive marketing move – as we near the climax of this election.

"You want to be careful that your message isn't going to blow up in your face for lack of a better term," Pickett said.