Help monitor Michigan lake water quality during your summer trips | FOX 2 Detroit

Help monitor Michigan lake water quality during your summer trips

Take some time during your summer trips to help monitor the quality of Michigan's lakes.

Volunteers are needed for the MiCorps Cooperative Lakes Monitoring Program. Water quality monitors choose which inland lakes they want to monitor and what measurements they will take. Then, they will be provided instructions, training, and equipment for monitoring. 

New volunteers are able to help with monitoring basic water quality parameters, such as phosphorus levels and water transparency. Volunteers with at least a year of experience can monitor both basic and advanced parameters.


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The data collected will be entered into MiCorps Data Exchange, a public database that includes 50 years’ worth of program lake data. This database is used to better protect and manage lakes and fish.

Volunteers must purchase a sampling kit. These start at $30, and the Michigan Department of Natural Resources said volunteers can often collaborate with local lake associations or other organizations to help pay for these costs.

Interested volunteers can sign up here.

If you have additional questions about the program, contact Erick Elgin with the Michigan State University Extension at 218-340-5731 or Joe Nohner with the DNR at 517-599-6825.

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