Henry Ford Hospital restricting visits to patients
DETROIT - Henry Ford Hospital will be restricting visits to patients in an effort to avoid the coronavirus from spreading in the building.
In a note posted on their website, the hospital said it was enacting the policy in response to the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency.
"We want to keep our patients spirits up and spread kindness! You can leave a general well-wish that we will display on the televisions in the patient rooms on a dedicated channel," read the release.
The patient restriction is the latest move by the health care system to bolster its defense against the virus. Following the first reported death tied to coronavirus last week, the infectious disease specialist at Beaumont Hospitals recommended that people who weren't immediately at risk for the disease to self-quarantine instead of asking for a test.

Due to the lack of tests available, hospitals are having to ration their resources.
Hospitals are also putting other nonessential surgeries on hold, anticipating a growing need for beds and ventilators for the expected number of positive cases.