Hepatitis A confirmed at Pine Knob Music Theatre – See list of concerts with potential exposure | FOX 2 Detroit

Hepatitis A confirmed at Pine Knob Music Theatre - See list of concerts with potential exposure

Health officials have confirmed hepatitis A at Pine Knob Music Theatre, and say people who attended concerts as far back as Aug. 26 may have been exposed.

Concertgoers who ate at the Ivy Lounge at Pine Knob from late August through Sept. 8 should monitor for symptoms, which include sudden abdominal pain, fatigue, diarrhea, nausea, headache, dark urine, and vomiting followed by yellowing of the skin and eyes. In rare cases, the illness can cause liver failure in people with pre-existing health conditions or compromised immune systems.

Hepatitis A is shed in feces and is most commonly spread from person to person by contaminated hands.

According to health officials, symptoms may occur two to six weeks after exposure, with the average time being about one month.

"The window for vaccination to help prevent illness from hepatitis A is through tomorrow for those individuals who attended the Jason Aldean concert and ate at the Ivy Lounge," said Dr. Russell Faust, Oakland County medical director. "For anyone who is not vaccinated for hepatitis A, we encourage getting vaccination to protect against future exposures."

Concerts with potential exposure:

 Aug. 26 (Lynyrd Skynyrd concert)
Monitor for symptoms
  Aug. 29 (Arctic Monkeys concert)
Monitor for symptoms
  Aug. 30 (Foreigner concert)
Monitor for symptoms
  Sept. 1 (Disturbed concert)
Monitor for symptoms
  Sept. 2 (Beck and Phoenix concert)
Monitor for symptoms
  Sept. 3 (Pentatonix concert)
Monitor for symptoms
  Sept. 5 (Rob Zombie concert)
Monitor for symptoms
  Sept. 6 (Smashing Pumpkins concert)
Monitor for symptoms
  Sept. 8 (Jason Aldean concert)
Get vaccinated before Sept. 23

Tips to reduce risk of contracting hepatitis A:

  • Wash hands frequently, especially after using the bathroom, changing diapers, and before preparing and eating food. Rub hands vigorously with soap and warm running water for at least 20 seconds. Handwashing is essential and one of the most effective ways to prevent the spread of infection.
  • Clean and disinfect all surface areas if someone in the household or workplace has symptoms, especially areas such as toilets, sinks, trashcans, doorknobs, and faucet handles.
  • Do not prepare food if you have symptoms and refrain from food preparation for at least three days after symptoms have ended, or two weeks after onset of clinical symptoms, whichever is longer.
  • Get the hepatitis A vaccine. It is available through some health care providers, Health Division offices and many pharmacies. Call ahead to ensure your healthcare provider or pharmacy has the vaccine available.

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