Hit-and-run driver arrested for DUI and drug possession in Troy

A 36-year-old man from Troy is charged in connection with a hit-and-run crash while drunk on Monday morning. 

When officers approached the vehicle at the intersection of Rochester and E Big Beaver roads around 12:30 a.m., they noticed that the driver was slurring his words and smelled like alcohol.

The driver was arrested after failing several sobriety evaluations and blowing a .15% on a preliminary breath test, which is over the legal limit. 

The driver was then taken into custody and transported to the Troy Police Lock-Up Facility.

Read More: Man with BAC 4.5 times legal limit says he was texting and driving when he caused crash

During an inventory search of the driver’s vehicle, officers discovered marijuana throughout the passenger compartment. 

In lock-up, the driver was read his chemical test rights and refused to submit to a blood draw. A search warrant was prepared and granted, allowing medical personnel to draw his blood.

The case was forwarded to the Detective Bureau for appropriate warrants once the blood results are returned. The driver is facing charges of DUI and drug possession.