Homeless Army veteran gets help from Woodhaven cafe owner, community | FOX 2 Detroit

Homeless Army veteran gets help from Woodhaven cafe owner, community

It started out with donating returnables to a homeless man. That small act of kindness growing by leaps and bounds thanks to a generous community.

The backstory:

At Cafe Sweets in Woodhaven it’s about more just the perfect baked treat.

"It makes me feel good to help other people - that’s all - I would help anybody," said Bridget Watson, owner.

So when Watson, the owner of Cafe Sweets met a homeless man named Don, she wanted to help him.

"He has been in the Army, he's worked for a trucking company, stuff like that," she said. "He likes dogs, he likes plants."

Don would stop by, asking for cans and bottles he could return for money.

Watson also gave him money to pay for a motel stay.

In addition to being a homeless veteran, Don has been in and out of the hospital with health problems.

"I was going to offer him a job to try to help him, but knowing that he wasn’t going to be able to do that - I tried to find other ways," she said.

She put out the call on social media and the response was overwhelming.

"Somebody donated their winter coat, which was a hunting coat, hats, gloves, scarves, masks, hygiene stuff," she said.

Even a new apartment — the renter only charging him $50 a month

"Everyone has stepped in," Watson said. "I have someone offering to pay for the rest of the year apartment right now - so the  community has gone above and beyond anything I could have done myself."

FOX 2 wanted to meet Don but he told Watson that he didn’t want the attention to be on him.

"He’s beyond grateful," she said. "He doesn’t ask for much - just Pepsi and Folgers instant coffee. It’s good - I’m glad he’s better."

The Source: Information for this story was gathered from interviewing Bridgette Watson.

Don, the homeless veteran that many in the Woodhaven community have lent a helping hand.


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