Hundreds of women claiming Wen products made their hair fall out

Hundreds of women are claiming they had severe hair loss while using Wen hair care products.

The products, seen frequently in late-night infomercials starring hair stylist Chaz Dean, have been endorsed by celebs like Alyssa Milano, Angie Harmon and Brooke Shields. However, hundreds of women are claiming the product caused their hair to thin or, in some severe cases, fall out in chunks.

Multiple lawsuits have been filed against WEN in recent years, with the most recent report saying 200 women in 40 states are suing the company. 

Moreso, comments are flooding the group's Facebook page and Consumer Affairs reports for the past few months claim using their product had the same result.

Here's some of those Consumer Affairs complaints: 

Still, thousands of women swear by the product.

WEN has said there could be a number of reasons for the hair loss. The company and infomercial giant Guthy-Renker denies the products are in any way defective or responsible for hair loss.