'I want justice': One of the teens who had social media photos given to porn site speaks out

Some photos of Farmington Hills teen girls have ended up on a pornographic website. The photos are nonsexual but taken without permission - and one of the victims is sharing her story, wanting the person responsible punished.

The suspect is known to police while the entire North Farmington High School community is upset - and school leaders are concerned there may be more victims.

"I feel very violated and I know some of my friends do too," said Elena Harr.

Elena was beside herself when she learned a classmate took several pictures from her social media and allegedly posted them to a porn site.

In fact she says as many as 44 other girls in her school had the same disgusting thing happen to them.

"It was like how was this happening to me and all these other girls because we’ve done nothing wrong," she said. "We are just posting pictures of ourselves when we're are confident in our bodies and we think we look good, and that was taken out of context."

"And then to see that he took these very innocuous photos and made them vulgar and disgusting," said Elena's mother, Barrett Harr. "(He) gave away her Instagram name, gave away her first name. I mean, realistically, he’s opening these kids up for human trafficking."

Likely one reason why Elena and her mom Barrett say they’ve even been on the phone with the FBI, as Homeland Security works with Farmington Hills Police on the investigation.

Police say a 17-year-old boy was arrested within hours of the first complaint and committed at least one felony.

Sources told FOX 2 the boy uploaded hundreds of photos to multiple porn sites, which actually paid him for the pictures - leaving the victims open to harassment.

"There was some name-calling, there was some joking about it as if these girls had done something to deserve this," her mother said.

"I sat in the counseling office all day because going back to class after hearing what I heard, and being treated the way some of us are being treated," Elena said. "I couldn’t handle that."

Farmington District officials fear there could be more victims. Police want parents to connect with their kids on this.

"Have that tough conversation with your child or with each other as adults, and be cognizant that once something is released on a social media account or the internet, it’s there forever," said Police Chief Jeff King.

Meantime Elena says:

"I want and need justice," she said. "I don’t want him to get a slap on the wrist because he doesn’t deserve that. He deserves to be held accountable for everything that he’s done to us."

Farmington Hills police say the photos involved were nonsexual in nature but they want anyone who may have been a victim, to give them a call at  (248) 871-2600.

The arrested teen was later released to his parents.

Elena Harr, right, and her mother Barrett Harr.

Elena Harr, right, and her mother Barrett Harr.