Inside job? New hire suspected in gas station robbery

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A gas station on Detroit's west side was ripped off of more than $30,000 and police say it was inside job. The thief stole everything from cash to cigarettes, even the owner's gun but he left behind some key evidence.

The suspect was an employee hired just a few days ago. Nassir Hajj owns the Sunoco and knew something was wrong as soon as he got to work Thursday.

"First thing in the morning, the door's locked, the employee isn't here and his car's not outside," Hajj said. "That was the first major clue that something was very wrong."

Hajj said he was desperate for staff and just hired a guy to cover the overnight shift at the store on Livernois and Davison. What he got was a man who called himself Awad, a brazen bandit who ripped Hajj off after just two days.

"We find out he broke into the office, broke into the safe (and) he took the money. Two days of sales and all the cigars close to $30,000 of valuables," Hajj said.

Now, he's armed too. He took Hajj's licensed gun right out of the case. And he did all of it thinking he wasn't on camera. He was spotted unhooking the cables to the security, internet and cameras.

But he missed one. that's why this crook is caught on surveillance cleaning out the office and carrying the boxes out.

They only know his name is Awad, his full name and information is gone because the guy stole that and all the other employees personal information, as well. But the owners want him caught and are offering a $1,000 reward.

Awad, as he calls himself, said he just moved here from South Carolina and police believe he may be heading back that way. Anyone with information on the man, or another man also caught on camera helping carry out the boxes is urged to call police.