International Academy of Macomb senior focuses on more than school | FOX 2 Detroit

International Academy of Macomb senior focuses on more than school

As if attending one of the most prestigious high schools in the entire country isn't enough, a Macomb high school senior is doing it all: classwork, internships, a job, and raising money for something that's very close to her heart.

Megan Radabough is a senior at International Academy of Macomb. The  International Baccalaureate school in Clinton Township is one of the best in the country, according to U.S. News & World Report.

It's a challenging school but for Megan, it's worth it.

"Our whole family has that mindset: if you want something, you go out and get it," she said.

And she is. The school teaches classes at a college level, she says, and maybe even harder. By the time she graduates, she'll have completed about a year and a half of college credits. There's more.

She was also elected National Honor Society President, she's yearbook editor and chief, she leads a softball charity tournament every year, she's in the animal welfare club, and plays powderpuff football. That's her school activities.

When she's not busy with all of that, she's also interning at two places and works part time at Starbucks.

How does she do it all AND hold the job? She said that Starbucks job is her motivation.

"I feel like working has helped me stay balanced because the more I know that I have to work the next day, I don't procrastinate," she said.

But with that kind of a resume, it's the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society that's most important.

"When I was in my 6th grade year, my dad passed away. It was due to cancer - leukemia specifically. My dad was probably one of my best friends. He was an incredible man," she said.

She holds fundraisers once a month and online campaign to raise money for the charity because she wants to help other families.

"I know the heartbreak my family went through and it was so hard knowing others went through it too. Knowing that this foundation was able to help, not only the patience bu tthe family's as well."

This fall, she'll attend honors college at Oakland University and  wants to go into business. She's ready.

"I'm really sad that high school is almost over but I'm ready for the next step," she said.

To learn more about the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society of Michigan, CLICK HERE

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