Is attorney Geoffrey Fieger considering a run for president in new ad campaign? | FOX 2 Detroit

Is attorney Geoffrey Fieger considering a run for president in new ad campaign?

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Prominent local attorney Geoffrey Fieger launches a new ad campaign attacking President-elect Donald Trump.

Some wonder if he's considering a run for the country's highest office. FOX 2 spoke to Fieger this evening and it certainly sounds like he is - stemming from his dissatisfaction with our next president.

FOX 2: "Are you going to run for president?"

Fieger: "I don't know. If you asked Mr. Trump four years ago, I doubt he'd tell you the same thing that I could tell you - which is I don't know."

An ambiguous answer from the normally outspoken attorney, but that seems to change the longer the interview goes on - we'll get back to that.

It is his latest commercial that has many people wondering if one of Donald Trump's biggest critics may be planning to give him a run for his money in the next election before the president elect is even sworn into office.

In the commercial he says: "I have noticed that Donald Trump has succeeded at uncovering many of the feeling of millions of Americans. To say it is not pretty is an understatement."

Fieger even closes with his own slogan - "2020 a clear vision for America."

"What have we become," he said. "It doesn't ring correct to me. The hatred and the malevolence being preached, doesn't ring true to my very soul."

Fieger, who has never shied away from speaking his mind when it comes to politics, disagrees with Trump on everything from his policies and persona to his plans and the people he has picked to help lead the country.

However, he does appreciate one thing about the president-elect.

"He really does have an ability, a verbal ability to kick other people's butt," Fieger said. "I kind of like the way he does it," Fieger said. "He's a relative amateur compared to me."

Which brings us back to Fieger's future plans.

"I ran for governor of the state of Michigan, I kept my gubernatorial committee going for the last 18 years because that was always a possibility," Fieger said. "I have never gone away."

FOX 2: "Let's be honest; you didn't win governor what makes you think you would win if you possibly ran for president?"

Fieger: "Nobody thought Donald Trump would win - and times have changed.

"When are we going to follow our better angels," Fieger says in his commercials. "America is supposed to be a place where our differences enhance the greater good."

"There are going to be a lot more commercials - but not just commercials," Fieger said. "I am going to say what I feel, because I say what I mean and I mean what I say."

And a possible run?

"It's always in the cards," he said.

Another thing both Trump and Fieger seem to have in common is their feelings about the media.  Trump calls some stations fake news, Fieger actually thinks the media is "unimportant" mainly in Michigan.

Fieger says he "absolutely" is considering a run. In four years Fieger claims he would be younger and healthier than Trump, who he compares to a "potato."