It was a National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day

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LaDawn Tate, David Nelson Jr. and Chunnika Hodges are three dedicated workers. They're dynamic and easy to laugh with. 

And, they're all on a mission to stop HIV, while all battling the disease themselves.

"It's nto an easy experience to go through," said one.

"It was a blessing... have to take these pills every day," said another.

"I've been living with HIV for 13 years and giving education has really made my life more fulfilling and hopefully make others' lives as well," said the third.

All three of them work for the Unified HIV Health and Beyond, assisting with testing and helping people living with the disease. Things have come a long way in terms of stigna and treatment. Back in they day it was a death sentence, but not anymore.

Now, there's medicine like the prep pill that can help keep people from becoming HIV positive.

But no matter the amount of treatments available, these message advocates can't say enough about getting tested. And that means still using condoms to prevent an HIV infection. 

"What would you say to that young girl? You need to have confidence and have the condom talk."

Detroit's health department says we've come a long way, but they're paying special attention to one group: young black gay men who make up only about 4 percent of the city's population. However, in 2017, 38 percent of the new HIV diagnoses were young black gay men.

One in 7 black americans living with HIV don't know it, according to the Centers for Disease Control. Even more so, the rate of infection is four times higher in detroit compared to surrounding counties.