Kid Rock opens Little Caesars Arena with politics

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The Little Caesars Arena began as a dream for the late Mike Illitch, and now it's finally a reality for his family and the City of Detroit.

The new sports arena officially opened to the public Tuesday with the first of six Kid Rock concerts. The concert was met with protesters and counter protesters -- but that didn't stop Kid Rock from delivering the "political" message his publicists promised. 

Kid Rock kicked off the concert with a raucous show opener: the smoke cleared, he cleared his throat, and then delivered a campaign speech in rhyme.

"What's going on in the world today? Give us all healthcare and make us pay," said Kid Rock.

He tackled issues that the nation is wrestling with, along with allegations that have lobbed in his direction as well.

"Call me a racist? Say I'm with the KKK? I say F all you bigots stay the hell away!"

RELATED: Protesters march on Little Caesar’s Arena to demonstrate against Kid Rock

The is-he-or he-is-not running for Senator was kicked up a notch as he threw in a loftier ambition in the ring.

"And if Kid Rock for Senate has people in disarray… wait til they hear Kid Rock for president of the USA."

Then, as soon as it came it ended the politics were thrown aside and the rocker came back to life, putting fists back in the air and heads back to banging.

Kid Rock's public relations manager told Fox 2 he will continue to deliver these political speeches at the rest of his five concerts still to come.

Each one is supposed a little different, possibly putting to bed the question of whether or not he's seriously running for office. Only time will tell.  

RELATED: Detroit Free Press denied credentials to Kid Rock concert after column criticizes musician

You can watch his message in the video player below in full. The video contains offensive language. 

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