Kid Rock sells pro-Trump shirts with offensive slogan | FOX 2 Detroit

Kid Rock sells pro-Trump shirts with offensive slogan

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Kid Rock has never been afraid to show his support to the Republican Party. From campaigning for Mitt Romney in 2012 to his newest venture: selling pro Donald Trump gear on his website - with attitude, of course.

The "American Bad Ass" is using his site to sell three shirts and a hat in support of Trump - but only a few of them are fit to write about on this website.

The tamest of the three shirts reads simply: "God Guns & Trump". The hat he's selling is a play on the now-iconic red "Make America Great Again" hat that Trump wore during the campaign but instead of Great it reads Badass - "Make America Badass Again

Kid Rock announced the shirts on his Twitter account, citing overwhelming demand for a shirt. The one in the picture featured a map of the United States cut into red and blue - based on how each state voted. There's not much offensive there - but the key underneath, that's the offensive part.

The red states are labeled "United States of America". The blue states are labeled "Dumb(expletive)istan."

Kid Rock tweeted a picture of himself sporting the shirt and saying that "Due to overwhelming demand, we decided to go ahead and actually make this & other current event merch: "

We can't embed the tweet based on the vulgar language on the shirt.

Then there's the last shirt. It features a picture of Donald Trump and calls out the voters who don't like or support him. It has the President-elect's name but the D is missing. The shirt explains where the D is in an extremely vulgar way.

The shirts are $24.99 each while the hat is $19.99.

The Romeo-based musician has been a strong supporter of the Republican cause. Earlier this year, he told The Rolling Stone that he was "Digging Donald Trump".

"Let the business guy in there. It's not really working too well running it not like a business," he told the magazine.