Kmart headquarters in Troy planned for demolition

The former Kmart headquarters in Troy.

A permit to demolish the abandoned Kmart headquarters in Troy has been submitted to the city's development department, it said.

Troy has been in talks with Adamo Demolition to take down the massive structure and its community development director said that redevelopment of the location would follow.

"Demolition of this tired asset is the first step towards redevelopment of this prominent location," said Brent Savidant, Community Development Director.

Its owners, Forbes/Frankel Troy Ventures LLC., which own the property, haven't submitted plans for a new development at the site. But with full deconstruction of the structure expected to take up to a year, there is still time for plans to be submitted - as well as for public input.

RELATED: Michigan's last Kmart store closes in Marshall

"It is important to stress there will be numerous opportunities for public input once a development application is submitted for this property," Savidant added. The process starts with demolition."

The massive complex was built decades ago and was left vacant in 2006.
