Ladies night lands woman behind bars in Milford

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Ladies night out at a few bars in Milford leads to one lady staying the night behind them.

Milford police arrested a woman that had one too many and got behind the wheel Thursday.

"We've got an officer driving right down Main Street and comes across two females that are apparently arguing on the sidewalk," said Lt. Matt Brumm, Milford police.

Brumm details how it all went down.

"While he comes up on the one, one of the females takes off walks across the street to her car," Brumm said. "As he's talking to the one female, he's determined she's probably had too much to drink, she's not in a car right now, she hasn't been driving. He offers her a ride home."

And soon after the other woman drives by and the officer flags her down.

"Apparently she returned to make sure her friend didn't drive away because her friend had too much to drink," Brumm said.

And it was blatantly obvious she did too.

"She had glassy eyes," Brumm said. "Our officers smelled intoxicants."

Her blood alcohol content was .134 that's nearly twice the legal limit. And while her friend got a ride home from the bar, she got a ride to jail.

"In this day and age you've got Uber, you've got Lyft, you've got a taxi cabs," Brumm said. "If you know you're going out and planning on drinking for a night, arrange for a ride home."

And maybe that's not the only of moral of the story.

Thankfully no one got hurt and that woman dried out in jail and was released on a personal bond. She has not yet been arraigned.