Large water main break buckles Northville road, causes flooding | FOX 2 Detroit

Large water main break buckles Northville road, causes flooding

Water from a broken main in Northville damaged Baseline Road Friday morning.

The Great Lakes Water Authority (GLWA) line break was reported about 3:30 a.m. near Novi Street.

"Obviously, tons of water is going down the road. It's getting into some of the houses," Northville Fire Chief Matt Samhat said. "We have one house that the basement's completely filled with water."


Metro Detroit freeways, roads flooded Friday morning due to heavy rain

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As of 9 a.m., GLWA Field Service crews were able to isolate the break by closing two valves on the 30-inch transmission main.

Currently, residents in the area are asked to restrict their water usage. A boil advisory has not been issued, but may be required once the main is repaired. The road will also need to be fixed where it buckled above the main.

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