Lawmakers want to add gun detection technology to every Michigan school

Some lawmakers have proposed adding gun detection technology to Michigan schools to reduce the likelihood of a shooting. 

The plan includes spending $268 million to refit the buildings with ZeroEyes technology, which couples video cameras with artificial intelligence gun detection. This system has been added to Oxford schools after the deadly Oxford High School shooting last year.

If this happens, the company promises to create an operating call center in Michigan. It would also hire 100 military and law enforcement retirees to handle the gun surveillance assignment.

The head of the Michigan School Board Association endorses the effort but has a cautionary note.

"While we appreciate the legislature appropriating the money, I don't want anyone to think that with this money the school safety problems that we've seen around the country are solved," Don Wotruba said.

He also wants schools to have the final say.

"Those who want it, get it. For those who for some reasons do not, it would be nice if that money would be available for them to do other things in the school safety space," Wortruba said.

Lawmakers could potentially vote on the plan in the fall.

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