Lawsuit: Student was tormented, Plymouth-Canton schools did nothing | FOX 2 Detroit

Lawsuit: Student was tormented, Plymouth-Canton schools did nothing

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A student says she was bullied and harassed by a male student - and The Plymouth-Canton School District did not help her. 

In a lawsuit filed Thursday against Plymouth Canton community schools, when a teen girl suffered extreme bullying for over a year, the school administration did nothing to stop it, said Jennifer Salvatore, an attorney. 

"This boy at school repeatedly harassed her, bullied her, targeted her and humiliated her to the point of attempting suicide," Salvatore said. "I'm disappointed it wasn't addressed earlier and that it has come to this point," 

Accusing the district and staff of not protecting her and of violating her constitutional rights, Salvatore says in September of 2016, a Canton High School student, then just 14 years old, broke up with her boyfriend of three weeks.

But her boyfriend a year older, apparently did not taking the break-up so well. He began to stalk her, call the girl names in the hallway, flipping her off and embarrassing her in front of other students and staff.

"He would say I hope you get raped again, in front of other students and in common areas of the school building," Salvatore said.

The bullying becoming worse in spring of 2017 when the suit accused the boy of egging her home and covering it in toilet paper, even slashing her tires and in feces on her garage door the word "whore" was written.

The girl reported the harassment 10 times over 16 months while the school told her and her mother they would talk to him. But the girl eventually swallowed 90 pills of Adderall and posted on social media that she wanted to die. Thankfully, the teen was taken to the hospital just in time.

"There's an epidemic of teen suicide going on in our country and this district has been affected by suicide this year," Salvatore said.

Salvatore says the teen filed a complaint with the department of education's office of Civil Rights -- and she decided to get involved.

FOX 2: "You reached out to the district in spring of last year, what did they say?"

"I didn't get any sort of response at all, they just wanted to ignore it," Salvatore said. "That's part of the problem, that's why we're here."

"It's shocking to people to see institutions... I think it's a lack of training... a lot of resources in that district."

Salvatore says the situation continues to take a toll on the teen's mental health and education, doing school work from home. But the school only provides a tutor for two hours per week.

Salvatore says she wants better training, policy changes -- and those who ignore that teen's cries for help -- held accountable... and most of all:

"The family doesn't want another student to go through this."

The Plymouth Canton School District issued a statement, claiming: 

"The district does not tolerate harassment of any kind. All allegations of harassment are taken seriously, investigated thoroughly and are responded to with appropriate action."