Let it Rip Weekend: Should the Electoral College grant Biden 16 electoral votes from Michigan?

With the Electoral College expected to formally grant President-elect Joe Biden 16 electoral votes for Michigan, this week's Let it Rip Weekend was all about that. 

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Let it Rip Weekend: Should the Electoral College grant Biden 16 electoral votes?

Let it Rip Weekend: Should the Electoral College grant Biden 16 electoral votes?

FOX 2's Charlie Langton invited Dr. Linda Tee Tarver, with the National Federal of Republican Women, and Jonathan Kinloch, the Democratic Chair of Wayne County's Board of Canvassers, to get their inputs on things. 

Since Nov. 3. there have been numerous allegations of election fraud. This resulted to President Trump submitting a lawsuit to the Supreme Court, but that lawsuit was rejected. During Let it Rip, Tarver explained why she felt the lawsuit was not accepted by the highest ranking court in the country. 

"The Supreme Court rejected Trump's lawsuit because of standing, not because of Merit," Tarver said. "So, I am sure it's going to be resubmitted in a different form, but the merits were there."

Kinloch responded to that by saying there was more than a "standing" issue with the lawsuit. In fact, he said if standing was the only issue, President Trump should have gotten more support. 

"It was not only a standing issue, but there were 2 Supreme Appointed Justices who said yes, they probably should have had a hearing, but they probably would not have gotten the relief they were seeking," he said. 

Kinloch went on to say that the true problem is coming from Republicans and their lack of ability to grasp on to the fact that Biden won this presidential election. 

"The problem is you have Republicans refusing to admit that Joe Biden has won both the electoral college votes in the states that he has, and the popular vote," Kinlock said. 

That statement allowed the conversation to make a quick transition. Langton asked Tarver, as a Republican if she believes Biden won Michigan. Her response was "no." She said the reason was because there were over 300,000 absentee ballots sent to Michiganders - without any requests. 

Kinloch responded by saying, due to COVID-19, that was allowed to happen this election. 

"That is not a problem because of COVID-19," Kinloch said. "The court has said we are able to send out absentee ballots that have not been requested to everyone in the state of Michigan. However, ballots that were not fully filled out, were not counted."

Although the Electoral College is meeting tomorrow, Tarver said it's never too late to fight these allegations of fraud. 

"I'm not sure that there will be any changed by tomorrow, but what I do envision, and I know we have our dates, but by January just like the elections can be certified, they can be uncertified as well," she said. 

Moving to the second half of the show, Langton invited Former Michigan Senator, Coleman Young, and Michigan GOP Activist, Kristina Karamo, on to discuss the president and how he is dealing the possible transition of leaving the White House. 

Recently President Trump and his administration announced that they will breaking a 130-year tradition of not performing executions during the presidential election. Both panelists were asked if execution should continue or if it should be stopped. 

Karamo wasted no time explaining her support towards federal execution. 

"I don't think we should focus on the tradition," she said. "I think we should focus on the fact that these individuals committed heinous crimes and their punishments are just being carried out."

Young had a different belief and did not support the push to continue federal executions. One of the reasons for this deals with race. 

"The death penalty - I think it's cruel, I think it's brutality and I think it's inhumane," he said. "I think the criminals should be in prison, I don't think they should be sentenced to death. Also, the fact is, African Americans make up 53 percent of that population."

Young went on to say that he thinks the death penalty will be the first thing to go when Biden is official in office. 

Next the panelists were asked about fraud during the elections. 

Young responded by saying he felt there was no evidence of fraud, and if it was - the Supreme Court would have accepted President Trump's lawsuit. 

Karamo responded by saying "just because the lawsuit wasn't accepted, doesn't mean there was no fraud present."

Lastly, recently State Rep. Cynthia Johnson got some backlash for a video she posted targeted towards the Republican party. She referred to Republicans as "Trumpers."

While the video came after Johnson received racist voice messages, Karamo said the state rep. had no right to release the video because it came off as threatening.

"I have had horrible things said to me, but I would never say Democrats or Biden supporters, call all your soldiers or make them pay," Karamo said. "It's inappropriate for an elected official, not a random person, to call for 'soldiers' and make people pay."

Young expressed how he doesn't support violence in any form, however, he was against how the Michigan Legislature handled the situation. 

"I don't support the violence, but to have the Michigan Legislature try and make an example out of this woman, I think it's wrong," Young said. 