Lighthouse Coffee in Mt. Clemens serving 'therapy' while helping kids aging out of the foster system | FOX 2 Detroit

Lighthouse Coffee in Mt. Clemens serving 'therapy' while helping kids aging out of the foster system

When someone orders from Lighthouse Coffee in Mt. Clemens, they may not realize just how far that money is going - and who it's helping.

But Keagan Semlow knows. The coffee shop owner sends proceeds from those sales to helping kids aging out of the foster system. 

Big picture view:

Lighthouse Coffee sends part of its revenue to their nonprofit, which goes to various events and programs that support children who will soon age out of the foster care system.

The shop opened in June 2024, and since then Semlow has found a niche for helping people the same way her family used to when she was younger.

"Twenty-one years ago, our church started a kids' camp for foster kids where we take them away for a week, we love on them, we tell them about Jesus. And we get to have fun for a whole week," said Semlow.

In one case, the nonprofit helped five kids enjoy Christmas by giving them everything off their wish list.

But these days, Semlow tries to connect foster kids with fun activities like going to a Pistons game or more serious goals like building up a resume and getting ready for college.

Dig deeper:

Semlow's work is rooted in an experience in 2023 following the tragic shooting at Michigan State University.

She had wavered about whether to open for business the next day, choosing at the last minute to do so. She's reminded of the impact that decision had because of what someone told her that next day.

"(They said) thank you. And she was like, you know, ‘being open is huge.’ She was like, 'coffee is like therapy except that it's cheaper and I walk away with something I love," said Semlow.

Semlow hopes to spark a similar sort of response in the future, using her "cups of therapy" by hosting resume workshops and job skills workshops for kids who need help landing on their feet.

"We would love to employ a kid who’s aged out of the foster system next. That is a big dream of ours is to find someone with the right heart that wants to make an impact where we can also come alongside of them and help them," she said.

The Source: An interview with the owner of a coffee shop owner

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