Little brothers found wandering taken in by family friend | FOX 2 Detroit

Little brothers found wandering taken in by family friend

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"I'm glad they're safe now."

This from the one woman who opened up her heart and her door to 7 year-old Ca'mauri and 8 year old Amani Demps.

Earlier this week FOX 2 introduced you to the two boys who were believed to be left home alone by their father for days inside his Detroit apartment which we saw was infested by bedbugs and clearly in shambles.

FOX 2: "Are you the oldest?"

"Yes," said Amani Demps.

FOX 2: "How long have you been home alone?"

"Two days," he said.

The brothers, who we are told are non-verbal and have special needs, were wandering the cold snowy streets alone until Good Samaritan Manson McCann had a feeling something wasn't right.  He brought the boys into his warm car, called police and FOX 2.

"I asked them where you going," McCann said. "They were trying to get to some Christian's house. I told them it's not safe, go back to where you came from. They said there isn't anybody there."

FOX 2 aired the boys' images online and on air, and word spread fast. Police took the boys to the precinct, and their father eventually showed up.

Nate Demps was arrested and charged with child neglect.

"I was shocked like everyone else and I just started making calls and went to get them," said a woman who knows the family and volunteered to help.

Relatives were called - including grandma and an aunt. But only this woman, who wants to stay anonymous stepped up to care for the young boys.

"They're brothers,” she said. “I have a heart," she said.

It turns out their brother's mother's house is where the boys were heading when they were found.

She says despite everything they have been through, Ca'mauri and Amani are doing fine. They are happy and now safe.

"No words like I said, I'm just here for them," she said. "Just supporting them."

Child Protective Services and police are investigating. For now they will stay with this family friend, but because she is not related, she does not know for how long.
The boys’ mother lost parental rights a few years ago, which is why the boys ended up with their father.